I am a proud, uncertified sponsor of the term All Work and No Play Will Make Anyone Dull. This weekend was no exception. On Friday I went to a bar in Queens with my coworkers to celebrate the promotions of two Sistas (non relation black women who are sisters by national blood), I ordered tons of appetizers. On Saturday I was headed to Atlantic City on the whim had to turn back and then enjoyed a party celebrating the life of Kai before heading to a Queens Bowling Alley with my cousins for my uncles Lodge. And finally on Sunday my cousins, friends and I enjoyed the Pole Position Raceway in Long Island.

Upon entering we was a little confused. It seemed like so much to don and although the cashier wasn't friendly or giving us information we needed we managed to figure out that we had to register on iPads before purchasing the tickets. It was $30 per adult for a few rounds and you only race with your party. Kids are have the price and there were other packages and memberships.
While we awaited our race we played games at the arcade which outlined the indoor road. They also had great sitting area with refreshments but we BYOB’d .
Although I missed the images of the four-way and two-way table hockey and pool tables here are some images:

I highly recommend everyone trying it out. Just remember if you drink and drive they wont ticket you but if you keep crashing they’ll take you out the race… lol
QUESTION TO THE AUDIENCE: Do you know any NYC/LI Hot spots?