Kiss New York's Acne Cover and Cream Foundation was highly recommended my a photographer for me to get. Being that he is considered to be a professional photographer with a knowledge of makeup, I went for it. I was told that by using this inexpensive product I would obtain excellent, full coverage. I visited the Kiss New York site, where i found out that it contained "acne fighting and breakout soothing salicylic acid, green tea, macadamia seed oil, shea butter and vitamin E." The site also claimed that, among other stuff, it would have MAXIMUM COVERAGE. So I hunted down for this foundation. Well, I visited three stores before actually finding the brand, product, and color that I needed. When I reached home I tested it on my hand, the match was very successful. I knew it would be, being that my mother also helped me pick out my shade, Neutral cool 35, which was one of the newer colors. I then washed my face and explored the product. The foundation had two compartments. The top consisted of the foundation, which was also covered by an opening flap. Underneath that, lied a breathable compartment, which held the soft applicator.

While applying it I was feeling disappointed. I had to use several applications for about 10-15 minutes before I felt I had well enough coverage to cover my scars and blemishes. The applicator seemed to absorb most of the product before it reached my face, but it was good amount of product still in the case. I also did not like much of the matte finish. Since I do not suffer from oily skin, this product may not be ideal for the glow that I would have wanted. The end results did make me happier. After all I did achieve most of the coverage I wanted. I did not use concealer or any other product, because I wanted to see what the product had to offer on its own. I also like the ingredients, such as salicylic acid, which helps clear breakouts and blemishes. For a cheap price, approximately $9.00, the product was okay. Next time I would use a moisturizer or glowing/silk primer before applying.
Here are before and after pix.
No photoshop was use, these are actual result.... I did, however, blur out the background, for it is irrelevant.